Pixlimit Peter Bresseler Lucky imaging astrophotography and discoveries

Astrophotography with lucky imaging methods and analysis, detection and discovery of new compact nebulae YSO, PN, HHO

Welcome to my Website

Welcome - I am working on methods for image-based analysis and detection of compact emission nebulae, primarily Young Stellar Objects (YSO), Herbig-Haro Objects (HHOs) and Planetary Nebulae (PNe), as well as exposure techniques for high-resolution astrophotography with Lucky Imaging. On my website you can find own discoveries and further results of my work.

Latest discoveries

In the context of a citizen science project we discovered planetary nebulae (PNe) as well as Herbig-Haro Objects (HHO). Click here for the discoveries:

Planetary Nebula (PN) Br 6 or PNG 088.2-00.8 - discovery image with ZWO ASI220MM and Celestron C11 EHD F/11

Bresseler 6, Br 6 or PNG 088.2-00.8, is a new and young planetary nebula in the constellation cygnus. You can find the PN at the position: 21:08:31.30 +46:28:49.70. The brightness is about 15 mag visually, i.e. the PN should be visible in telescopes around 12 - 14" in combination with an [OIII] filter. Br 6 can of course also be captured photographically, which should be possible with telescopes from 6 - 8". Br 6 has a size of approx. 10 arc seconds.
LINK: PN Br 6, PNG 088.2-00.8

Discovery of a bipolar Nebula, a Herbig-Haro object (HHO)

The bipolar nebula is located in the constellation Cynus (swan) at position 20:53:25.29 +51:08:18.5. The bipolar nebula covers emission lines typical of Herbig-Haro objects (HHOs) and has a size of about 30 arc seconds. This makes the HHO an interesting observation target for amateur telescopes.
LINK: HHO Bres 1


2024/05 - First light Celestron RASA C8, ASI2600MC Duo, SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro, Selfguiding

Celestron C11 Edge HD and Skywatcher EQ6-R mount

Currently I am using a Celestron C11 Edge HD and Skywatcher EQ6-R mount. For widefield images i use a Celestron RASA C8.

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