Planetary Nebula - Bresseler 6 (Br 6) - PNG 088.2-00.8

Bresseler 6, Br 6 or PNG 088.2-00.8, is a new small planetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus. The PN is located at the position: 21:08:31.30 46:28:49.70. Its brightness is about 15.0 mag visually, so the PN is visible only in telescopes about 14" or larger in conjunction with an [OIII] filter, Br 6 can also be achieved photographically with smaller apertures. Br 6 has a size of about 10 arc seconds.

left: Br 6, ASI220mini, integration time 120 min, no filter, Celestron C11 EDGE HD F/10; right: PanSTARRS-z-g

Br 6, ASI220mini, Optolong H-Alpha Filter 7 nm, integration time 60 min, Celestron C11 EDGE HD F/10

Br 6, ASI220mini, no filter, integration time 120 min, Celestron C11 EDGE HD F/10

Link: Drawing by Uwe Glahn, who used a 27 inch Dobsonian to observe Br 6