Discovery of a bipolar nebula in the constellation cygnus

The bipolar nebula is located in the constellation Cynus at position 20:53:25.29 +51:08:18.5. Evidence of an extinction gradient over the object was found, indicating nearby dust. This supports the suggestion that the newly found source is a young stellar object (YSO). It shows an increased surface brightness in the r-band, which covers the main emission lines typical of Herbig-Haro objects (HHOs). The discovered HHO has a size of about 30 arc seconds.

Bres1 - P. Bresseler, B. Koch, W.E. Celnik, Celestron C14 F/7.6, 21.8 h LRGB

Bres1, left PanSTARRS-i-r-g, right P. Bresseler, B. Koch, W.E. Celnik, Celestron C14 F/7.6, 21.8 h LRGB

Bres1, PanSTARRS-i-r-g, WISE c, PanSTARRS r, IPHAS r