In this blog I document interesting events around my astro activities. My videos can also be viewed on my pixlimit youtube channel.
Abstract: The following article describes the use of a advanced image processing methode to improve the visibility of faint objects, with a primary focus on planetary nebulae (PN),
based on optical surveys. The procedure removes stars from the image, leaving only the background and the object to be analyzed. By separating the stars from the images,
it is possible to control and manipulate the data more consciously and to concentrate on the essential in the image processing, Object structures and their
morphology are more clearly identified, artifacts are excluded.Key words: optical surveys - advanced image processing - planetary nebulae identification
NGC 7662 (also known as the Blue Snowball Nebula, Snowball Nebula, and Caldwell 22) is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Andromeda. Taken with my Celestron C14 at about 3912 mm (F11) maximum focal length. I used my lucky imaging method, 1 second exposure time, stacked in Autostakkert, usage rate approx. 80 % of images, 6.000 s.
Andromedas Parachute or J014709+463037 is a very interesting deep sky object, a Quadruply Lensed Quasar at z=2.377, 11 billion light years away. This video is going to walk through how I make the most out of live stacking using Sharpcap Pro and my equipment.
IC 349 also known as Barnard's Merope Nebula, taken with my Celestron C14 at about 2620 mm focal length, First light with Lucky imaging.
Sequence of approx. 3.900 x 1 second exposure time, M 57 stacked with Autostakkert, 1 s. single frames, lucky imaging, approx. 50 % used from imagingsequences, Takahashi Mewlon 210 with focal length 1961 mm, ASI533MC, cooling -10 C.
This video is going to walk through how I make the most out of live stacking using Sharpcap Pro and my equipment. I'll walk through the settings and steps. All shots with Skywatcher Heritage 150p / Skywatcher EQ6-R Mount / without autoguiding/ no cooling ASI290MC Camera and using SharpCap 3.2 Pro.